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Griffith Elementary

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Griffith color run event image
Griffith Staff and Families at our Annual Color Run

Grifith's PTO is lead by parents and supported by staff. PTO hosts events and runs fundraisers that benefit students, staff, and families to strengthen our Griffith Community. Join our PTO today by contacting Ms.Hurd at Check back here during the school year for more updates.

Students posing on a walkway in front of grass
G Bucks Winners

Every week students turn in the G Bucks they earned for being safe, respectful, and responsible to earn a chance to win a prize and receive a certificate for their efforts to meet and model schoolwide expectations.

Griffith staff and students in the gym for an assembly
Griffith Awards Assembly

Each quarter we recognize students' academic achievements. Mr. Huth's class stands proudly with their awards in hand for excellent growth and achievement in NWEA testing.

Griffith courtyard image
Griffith Courtyard
Griffith staff posing for a photo
Griffith Staff Enjoying Love Bus Coffee
Griffith talent show image
Griffith Talent Show

Students shared their singing, dancing, and piano playing with a packed house at our first Griffith's Got Talent Show, part of our quarterly Family Night Series. .

Exterior image of the Griffith cafeteria
Griffith Cafeteria

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